Sunday, April 5, 2009

Marriage Tip # 4

Courtesy of my very own grandparents, married 58 years.

Grams: We've been married almost 60 years!
Me: What's your secret?
Grams: Well, you have to put up with a lot of stuff.
Gramps: Just say, "Yes, dear."

Love you G'Ma and G'Pa!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Marriage Tip #3

Keep Her time.
Keep His time.
Keep Your time together.
Kiss each other every night.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Marriage Tip #2

Wife: "Have a sense of humor."
Husband: "It helps if you like 'em."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Secret to a Happy Marriage

Most of you know that most of the patients I work with are 50+ years old. I always try to start conversations so that therapy is less work and more of a social visit. And I enjoy hearing what they have to say. More often then not, some one is celebrating a 30, 40, 50 year wedding anniversary. I always ask him/her what their secret is to a long and happy marriage. Last week, one gentleman replied, "Instead of looking at her faults, I choose to look at my wife's good qualities. Everyone has faults, but not everyone has much more of the good stuff."


Thad and I planned to go to the Melting Pot for an early Valentine dinner on the avoid the crowds on the actual day of love. We dropped Jovi off at his sister's house and sat down at the restaurant with a bottle of wine. I leaned over and asked Thad if he would be my valentine. He shook his head no and said he already had one. I, making sure to look hurt, asked him who the lucky girl was. He said we just dropped her off at the sitters on the way to dinner. (sigh) The daddy's girl era has begun. I need to have a boy...mommy needs to be some one's valentine!

Wild Woman

Dance Party

I think this video is self explanatory...other than that Jovi LOVES playing with her cousin Alex.